One: Students
Two: Picture Gallery
Three: The series itself
Four: The ads I will put up one day
Soundtrack: Music and lyrics to the series
Previews: Previews of the next volumes
Picture Requests: I need the pictures to fill up the gallery
Five: Takes you back to the other series
3/1/13: I have added chapter seventeen.
11/17/12: I have added chapter sixteen.
7/24/11: I have started volume three.
12/9/11: I have finished volume two and added the previews for volume three.
12/7/10: I have added chapter thirteen.
7/31/10: I have added chapter twelve.
4/27/10: I have added chapter eleven.
2/26/10: I have added chapter ten.
1/4/10: I have added chapter nine.
12/21/09: I have started volume two.
12/11/09: I have finished volume one and added the previews.
11/27/09: I have added chapter six.
9/27/09: I have added another title and chapter five.
8/3/09: I have added another title and chapter four.
8/2/09: I have added another title and chapter three.
8/1/09: I have added more titles, chapter two, decor pics, and a chapter button and colored the scrolls.
2/1/07: I have added more titles, the students, the glow toys, and a list of extras and labeled the links.
9/5/06: I have added more music.
8/16/06: I have fixed up the links and added music.
7/22/06: I have fixed up the section.
4/29/06: Birth.
Layout by Sydney from Ameagari Designs